Customs & Border Patrol (CBP) Employment Lawyer

If you’re a member of Customs & Border Control and have been wronged by your employer, you can contact a knowledgeable Customs & Border Patrol employment lawyer from Bell Law Group today to schedule your initial consultation.

Federal Employment Rights Cases Against the U.S. Customs & Border Patrol | CBP Lawyers

It is the duty of the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agency (CBP) to keep employment decisions and actions free from discrimination on the basis of:

  • Age (40 years of age or older)
  • Disability (physical or mental)
  • Genetic information
  • National origin
  • Race/color
  • Religion
  • Reprisal
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation
  • Status as a parent

Unfortunately, as of mid-year 2014, there had already been 100 complaints of discrimination filed against the CBP. A majority of those complaints fell into five categories: race, sex, age, national origin, and disability.

At The Bell Law Group, PLLC, we refuse to accept that these instances are part of the normal course of business. Indeed, it is this type of case that really makes us feel that we are doing good work on behalf of our clients and the state of federal employment in general. If you feel you have also become the victim of discrimination due to actions made by the CBP, speak to a customs & border patrol CBP lawyer from our firm about pursuing a claim.

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The Claims Process for Discrimination Allegations

To begin the process of seeking recompense for the discriminatory action taken against you, you must first notify your DCR Officer within 45 days of the event that you intend to file an employment discrimination claim. This leads to the informal counseling process, which involves an EEO Counselor informing you of your rights and responsibilities. The counselor will perform a low-level inquiry into the background of your claim and will also likely encourage you to participate in mediation with the offending party. If the mediation does not resolve the situation, the counselor will issue a Notice of Right to File a Discrimination Complaint (NORTF).

The NORTF will allow you to then file a formal discrimination complaint with the CBP’s Complaints Management and Investigations Group. You must file this formal complaint within 15 days of receiving the NORTF. If the agency decides to accept your complaint, you will move along to the stages of a formal investigation, an administrative law judge (ALJ) hearing, and, lastly, the final agency decision (FAD).

Knowledge and Proper Preparation Are Key

It is important to note that the only information you can include in your formal complaint is the information you first provided in your informal complaint. Additionally, there are strict timelines tied to each step of the formal complaint process. It is therefore imperative that you seek out the assistance of an experienced federal employment law attorney who can help you prepare your claim from the very beginning, and who can walk beside you throughout each step of the process to ensure you do not miss your opportunities to seek the relief you deserve.

Contact a CBP Employment Lawyer Today

If you would like to learn more about pursuing an employment discrimination claim against the CBP, please contact our law firm. We are here to help you understand what happened to you and what your potential options are for moving forward.

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