What Protections Do Whistleblowers Have?

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It is commendable for you to call out any wrongdoings you identify in your workplace, whether such actions are against you or a fellow employee. So when you courageously attempt to seek justice in an unjust situation, the last thing that should happen is wrongful retaliation. This is when legal representation might become necessary. Read on to discover the protections that whistleblowers are granted and how a seasoned New York whistleblower protection lawyer at Bell Law Group can ensure your safeguarding.

What protections do whistleblowers have in the workplace?

You must not act tentatively when keeping your company and its executives in check. Rather, you may rest assured knowing that federal and state laws alike protect you whenever you decide to “blow the whistle” on your employer. Such protections read as follows:

  • The federal Whistleblower Protection Act:
    1. You are allowed to make protected disclosures against a state official’s or government employer’s improper activity (i.e., violation of any law, gross mismanagement of funds, abuse of authority, substantial danger to public health or safety, etc).
    2. You are allowed to report a state official’s or government employer’s improper activity even if you are only an applicant for federal employment.
    3. You are allowed to submit this claim without fear of retaliation from a state official, government employer, or one of its employees.
  • The New York Labor Law, Section 740:
    1. You are allowed to disclose or threaten to disclose information to your supervisor or a public body (i.e., executive branch departments of federal, state, and local governments) regarding your employer’s violation of law (i.e., company policies or employment regulations).
    2. You are allowed to report your employer’s violation of law even if you are no longer a current employee.
    3. You are allowed to submit this claim without fear of retaliation at your present position or in future places of employment.

What should I do if I am wrongfully retaliated against?

Even though there are comprehensive laws in place that forbid wrongful retaliation after a whistleblower claim, it is unfortunate just how common such instances still occur. That is, employers still choose to punish whistleblowing employees by demoting them; denying them overtime pay or promotions; reducing their pay or scheduled hours; or even firing or laying them off. Sadly, some employers even go out of their way to contact immigration authorities if doing so would negatively impact the non-citizen employee.

With that being said, if you have been made the victim of any of the aforementioned forms of punishment, then you must acquire immediate legal representation. So when it comes to your whistleblower claim, there is no question that a competent New York employee rights lawyer is the best fit for you. Please contact Bell Law Group at your earliest possible convenience.

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