Construction Accident Case – Three men fell off a scaffold while working at a private home on Long Island. Each sustained severe injuries. The matter was resolved for $4.2 MILLION.
Motor Vehicle Accident – Our client was seriously injured when a sanitation truck ran a red light and struck his vehicle. The driver of the sanitation truck claimed that it was the client who ran the red light. The client suffered severe brain injury and impairment. The case settled for $1,000,000, which was the amount of the entire insurance policy.
Disability Discrimination Case – We sued on behalf of a disabled individual who requested an accommodation. Not only did the employer not provide the requested accommodation, but the employer retaliated against the employee and ultimately fired our client. The case was resolved for over $1 MILLION.
Motor Vehicle Accident – Our client, a USPS mail carrier, was delivering mail when he was struck by a vehicle. The client hired a well-known NYC law firm who sat on the case for 2 years and didn’t even start the lawsuit. The client hired the Bell Law Group, PLLC. We immediately put the case in suit. We invested time and money into the case, hiring a number of experts, including a vocational rehab, economist, and accident reconstructionist. Case settled days before trial for $1.8 MILLION.
Medical Malpractice Case – Our client woke up with weakness in one side of her body, slurred speech, and vertigo – stroke-like symptoms. She visited her doctor’s office who kept her waiting in the waiting room for over an hour and only had her examined by his medical assistant. The medical assistant sent her home. The next day she suffered a stroke. The symptoms that she presented the day before were consistent with a TIA, transient ischemic attack. The matter was resolved for $635,000.
Sexual Harassment Case – Dentist sexually harassed an employee. When she complained, she was terminated along with two of her co-workers. The case settled for $175,000.
Motor Vehicle Accident – Our client was stopped at a red light, when another vehicle struck our client’s vehicle in the rear. The driver of the other vehicle admitted she was in a rush. The problem with the case is that our client had prior back surgery. Even despite the prior surgery, we were able to establish that our client’s back condition was healed before the accident and, because of the accident, our client cannot work. The case settled for $400,000.
Sexual Orientation Discrimination – Applicant applied to work for the USPS. The Applicant’s preferred pronouns are they/them. After a trial, Bell Law Group received a verdict from the EEOC, holding that the USPS discriminated against the applicant. The facts of the case involve management questioning the employee’s identification and told them not to use their preferred name on documents. As a result of the Bell Law Group’s efforts in taking this matter to trial, the Judge found in our client’s favor, ruling that our client was in a “Hostile Work Environment” and was “Constructively discharged.” The Judge awarded over $100k in damages.
Merit Systems Protection Board – BLG represented a Federal Employee that was fired from Federal Employment. We filed the case at the Merit Systems Protection Board. In addition to pursuing other strategies, we aggressively sought to depose an employee the Agency did not want to produce, forcing the Agency’s hand to reach a settlement of $350,000 with a clean SF-50.
Wage and Hour case – Employer misclassified it’s employee and failed to pay overtime as well as other NYLL violations. Case settled for $350,000.
Motor Vehicle Accident – The client was a passenger in a vehicle with his friend. His friend fell asleep while driving, causing the vehicle to flip over numerous times. The client was thrown from the vehicle. Miraculously, after months of physical therapy, the Client’s injuries healed well. Mr. Bell was able to resolve the case in a structured settlement for a very significant six-figure award.
Trip/Slip and Fall – Our client was jogging and tripped and fell on an uneven sidewalk. She sustained a fracture to her hand and sustained injury to her back. Ultimately, the client made a full recovery. This was a Suffolk County case. The matter was settled for $290k.
Federal Employee EEO – Federal Employee filed an EEO case. It was pursued through the EEOC, then pulled out and filed in Federal District Court. The case was settled for $275,000.
Sexual Assault Case – An employee was sexually assaulted at work. We were able to establish the employer had prior notice that the individual who assaulted our client was a threat. The matter was resolved for $200,000.
Federal Employee EEO (Race and Age) – Our client contacted us after she felt like she was discriminated against in the workplace when her employer did not choose her for a promotion. She believed she was passed over for the promotion because of her race and her age. The Judge agreed and awarded our client $170,000 in pain and suffering damages, backpay, the promotion and restoration of leave. In addition, we were also awarded attorney’s fees, resulting in an award of over $250,000.
Merit Systems Protection Board – VERDICT: Client, a federal employee, worked 19 years for DHS and was fired. After extensive discovery, we went to trial. The Judge mitigated the penalty from removal to a 5 day suspension. As a result of BLG’s representation, our client was awarded his job back, backpay and attorney fees.
Pedestrian knockdown – Our client was crossing the street. Unfortunately, she was not in the crosswalk and was partially at fault for the accident. Nonetheless, we were able to secure of settlement of $200,000 for her injuries.
Disability Discrimination – We filed a lawsuit in Federal Court on behalf of a private sector employee against the company she was employed by for disability discrimination/retaliation and unlawful termination. The employee suffered from Diabetes. While she was working, she had an episode that required immediate medical attention for which an ambulance was called. Prior to the employee being cleared to return back to work, she was terminated. We aggressively pursued the claim and deposed the Employer/witnesses. As a result, we were able to secure a mid-six-figure settlement.
Sexual Harassment – An employer hired a driver (male) to drive the employer to and from work as well as other places as directed. While the employer was being driven, he often engaged sexually explicit conversation, which was unsolicited and unwelcomed by the driver. The matter settled very early on in litigation for an undisclosed six-figure settlement.
Wage and Hour – A Security Guard, we represented him against his Employer for not paying overtime despite the fact that the employee worked between 50-60 hours per week. After filing the case in District Court, the matter quickly settled for the back wages our client rightfully deserved.
Federal Employee EEO – Verdict in our client’s favor as against the Department of Veterans Affairs. The case involved discrimination and retaliation. Judge awarded $266,000.
Restaurant Workers – We have successfully litigated on behalf of a number of restaurant workers that were paid in “tips only” and were not given a base salary of at least minimum wage. In addition, we have represented these workers for claims for overtime.
Sexual Harassment case – Employee claimed employer was sexually harassing her. The case resolved for $225,000.
Motor Vehicle Accident – Our client was mowing his lawn and was hit by a car. The case resolved in less then one year for the entire policy available, $250,000.
Equal Pay Act case – BLG settled an Equal Pay Act case for $170,000.
Disability Retirement – A Federal Employee, who was working in an Agency as a health care professional, retained The Bell Law Group when she could not perform the essential elements of her position due to back pain. After Mr. Bell submitted her Disability Retirement Application, she was determined eligible and OPM approved her application for disability retirement. Mr. Bell worked with her treating physician to carefully word a narrative report. Her claim was accepted for degenerative disc disease. She was a FERS employee.
Disability Retirement – A Federal Employee employed as a Special Agent retained the services of The Bell Law Group to submit his Disability Retirement Application to OPM. Mr. Bell and his staff expeditiously obtained all medical evidence and worked with the medical providers to submit all the necessary paperwork to OPM. The Federal Employee was approved for Disability Retirement benefits based on degenerative disc disease.
Federal Employee EEO – Federal Employee retains BLG to pursue the claim. BLG settles the case for $295,000 plus and promotion and a $20,000 annual raise.
Security Clearance case – Client retained Bell Law Group when his clearance was revoked. We filed with DOHA, wherein a Judge was assigned. Our client was in jeopardy of losing his security clearance due to Foreign Influence. The Judge found that the Foreign Influence security concerns were mitigated based on the testimony we elicited at the Hearing.
Notice of Proposed Removal– A federal law enforcement officer of more than 18 years was threatened with removal from his career with the U.S. government after being issued a Notice of Proposed Removal containing 4 Charges and 39 individual Specifications of alleged workplace incidents. Bell Law Group defeated the removal by vigorously defending the officer against the host of allegations and protecting the officer against the loss of his livelihood and 18-year career.
Federal Employee EEO – A Federal Employee facing discrimination based on race, sex, age, and disability, and encountering reprisal and hostility in her workplace, enlisted the help of Mr. Bell. Mr. Bell brought the case to the EEOC. At first, the Agency was unwilling to engage in settlement discussion. After Jon Bell’s vigorous pursuit of discovery, including conducting numerous depositions, the Agency agreed to award a six-figure settlement and pay full attorney’s fees with just a few days left before trial.
Merit Systems Protection Board – A Federal Employee, GS-13, was removed based on allegations of misconduct, after being issued a Proposal for Removal. He retained The Bell Law Group to represent him at the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). Initially, the Agency was not willing to discuss settlement, but after Mr. Bell conducted discovery the Agency offered to return the client to his position with full back pa However, the client had lost faith in the Agency and turned down the offer. He requested that The Bell Law Group negotiate some form of a buyout with retirement benefits. His expectations were exceeded when Mr. Bell obtained a settlement where the Agency would buy back the client’s military time, qualify him for full retirement, restore him to paid status and leave him on paid status until his retirement was approved. The agency also agreed to pay his attorney’s fees. Mr. Bell’s skilled negotiating resulted in a substantial six-figure settlement.
Union Arbitration – When a Union employee of the New York City Transit Authority was accused of threatening a supervisor, he was placed on suspension and was proposed to be terminated after over 25 years on the job. He retained Mr. Bell to represent him in an Arbitration, despite the fact he was entitled to free Union Representation. In light conversation with the supervisor, the client had referred to a newspaper headline describing violence in the workplace. The supervisor then reported the conversation to the Transit Authority, which imposed the suspension and recommended a penalty of removal. After the client appealed, the case went into arbitration, where Mr. Bell argued, cross-examined witnesses, and presented evidence resulting in the decision that the Transit Authority did not have cause to discipline the employee. The client recovered all lost wages and kept his job.
Federal Employee EEO – A Federal Employee retained Jon Bell to represent him when he believed that he had been denied a promotion not because of his job performance, but because of his age. Mr. Bell’s relentless pursuit of discovery resulted in the Agency agreeing to a settlement. The client was promoted to his rightful role as a Supervisory Officer, with all applicable back pay and retroactive benefits. In addition, he was awarded $40,000 in losses, and all legal fees were paid by the Agency. In total, Mr. Bell negotiated a settlement that topped six figures.
Federal Employee EEO – The client, a Postal Police Employee, believed she was sexually assaulted by a co-worker. After making complaints to the manager, an “investigation” ensued that resulted in a finding that the contact was accidental. Her fitness for duty was later questioned and she was sent home pending a fitness for duty examination. The employee retained The Bell Law Group The Agency made no offer of settlement throughout the litigation. Jon Bell took the case to trial and received a liability verdict in favor of the employee. The Agency quickly settled the case after receiving the Judge’s Decision for a substantial amount of money, including back pay, attorney’s fees, and for pain and suffering.
Federal Employee EEO – The client applied for a position and was not selected. He believed he was not selected because of his gender. He retained The Bell Law Group, Mr. Bell vigorously litigated the matter, which was settled approximately one week before the hearing for an amount close to six figures.
Notice of Proposed Removal – Client was served with a NOPR. The charges included inappropriate conduct and insubordination. After preparing a brief and presenting oral argument, the Agency mitigated the penalty to a suspension, allowing our client to continue his career in Federal Service.
Disability Retirement – A former Federal Employee, who was interested in applying for Disability Retirement, retained Jon Bell near her one-year anniversary of separation. Mr. Bell worked quickly to submit her application for Disability Retirement on time. Mr. Bell was recently informed the application was approved.
Disability Retirement – A former employee of the FDIC applied for Disability Retirement. After his application was denied, Mr. Bell submitted a request for reconsideration, supplying further evidence and legal argument setting forth why he was entitled to Disability Retirement Benefits. OPM reversed its initial decision and granted its client the benefits.
Merit Systems Protection Board – The client was removed from Federal Service and retained Jon Bell to appeal to the MSPB. Immediately prior to the Hearing, the client decided he did not want to return to the Federal Agency. Instead, Jon Bell was able to secure a substantial monetary settlement with a Resignation noted on his SF-50 as opposed to a Removal.
Federal Employee EEO – Federal Employee worked for the Department of Energy for numerous years. She believed she was being discriminated against because of her race. The client retained Jon Bell to represent her at mediation. Jon Bell resolved the case at mediation for a substantial amount of money, a transfer to another position located in another state, time off on administrative leave, and attorney’s fees.
Notice of Proposed Suspension – The client was proposed to be suspended for 30 days for misuse of a GOV. He retained The Bell Law Group to defend him against the proposal. Mr. Bell successfully established that his client was a passenger in the vehicle and had no knowledge it was a GOV. The Agency rescinded the Proposal.
Notice of Proposed Removal – The client was viewing pornography at work. He was proposed to be removed from the Federal Agency. Mr. Bell submitted a written reply and presented an oral reply to the deciding official. The deciding office mitigated the proposal to a suspension and allowed his client to remain employed by DHS.
Sexual Orientation Discrimination – The client was terminated from his employment. He believed it was because he was gay. The client retained The Bell Law Group After some litigation the corporation settled, paying the client an entire year’s worth of salary.
Motor Vehicle Accident – The client was a passenger in a vehicle with his friend. His friend fell asleep while driving, causing the vehicle to flip over numerous times. The client was thrown from the vehicle. Miraculously, after months of physical therapy, the Client’s injuries healed well. Mr. Bell was able to resolve the case in a structured settlement for a very significant six-figure award.
Disclaimer: Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome