Without your work and those of others in the Department of Energy, the United States would not be able to keep the lights on. Many citizens do not consider how much hard work goes into ensuring that when someone flicks a switch, the lights come on. With that in mind, you had not anticipated becoming the victim of discrimination. If you work at the DOE and an employer has wronged you, you need an experienced Department of Energy (DOE) employment lawyer from The Bell Law Group to fight for you.
Employment Lawyers Serving Members of the DOE
The Department of Energy (DOE) employment lawyers at The Bell Law Group love a challenge, which is why they specialize in representing the underdog. In the course of nearly two decades of operation, our legal team has gone up against several powerful federal agencies, and emerged victorious. If you would like more information on the process ahead and how we can serve you, contact us today.
Our Legal Services
Few law firms are as seasoned in federal employment law as The Bell Law Group. Our Department of Energy (DOE) employment lawyers have more than enough experience to effectively represent clients in the following areas:
- Security Clearance
- Disability Retirement
- Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)
- Disciplinary and Performance Actions
- Employment Discrimination (EEOC)
- Whistle Blower Litigation & OSC
EEO Complaint Process for DOE Members
To initiate the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) process, you must contact an EEO Counselor at the DOE Office of Civil Rights/EEO office where you work or applied for a job, to file an informal EEO complaint. You must do so within 45 calendar days of the discriminatory event. At the initial counseling session, you may select either traditional EEO counseling or mediation, a type of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
The EEO Counselor will provide you with information about your rights and responsibilities. If the dispute is not resolved, you will be given a Notice of Right to File a Formal Complaint. You will have a limited amount of time to file a Formal Complaint.
The complaint will then be accepted or denied, based on timeliness and whether the alleged discrimination affects a term or condition of your employment, among other factors. If your complaint is accepted for processing, an investigation will be conducted. When the investigation has been completed, you will receive a copy of the Report of Investigation. In most cases, you may then request a hearing or a Final Agency Decision without a hearing. If your complaint is dismissed, you may generally appeal that decision to the U.S. EEO Commission, or file a civil action in U.S. District Court.
To give your complaint the best chance of success, you should reach out to our competent legal team. We will fight to hold your employer accountable.
Contact a Federal Employee Lawyer
If you would like to learn more about pursuing an employment discrimination claim against the DOE, please contact our law firm. We are here to help you understand what happened to you and what your potential options are for moving forward.